Catalogue Printing Edmonton
Get your products into the hands of your customers by printing a great looking catalogue
Maybe you’re in charge of marketing your company’s oil and gas parts products? Or maybe your company is based in the US and wants to introduce your soaps and skincare products to the Canadian market? The best way to get your product selection into your customer’s hand is with a printed catalogue.
Capital Colour Press
The most technologically advanced catalogue printing company in Edmonton
Catalogue Printing Services
4904 89 St NW, Edmonton
25+ years experience printing catalogue for Edmonton & area clients
We are committed to exceptional customer service
Getting a catalogue printed means you’re providing a lot of information right at your customer’s fingertips – whether they are office-based, or out in the field. Part photos, product images, sizes and colours, specifications, pricing, product variations, product descriptions, SKU numbers, minimum quantities – all in one well organized booklet.
Our clients at Capital Colour tell us catalogues are an excellent choice to show the depth of their product line and support their sales process at tradeshows, one on one client meetings or in mass mailing campaigns.
Catalogue vs. Catalog
‘Catalogue’ is the Canadian or British spelling when referring to printed brochures featuring a large number of products. ‘Catalog’ is the spelling most used in the United States.
Short-Run & Bulk Custom Catalogue Printing
Even though 8.5″ x 11″ full colour catalogues are the most popular, Capital Colour can produce a wide range of print formats, including the smaller 5.5″ x 8.5″ format, square catalogue formats or any size of custom catalogue formats. Page counts can range from small 4 page flyers to huge catalogues with over 100 pages.
Capital Colour’s offset printing presses are the most technologically advanced in Alberta. They can handle printing thousands of catalogues with quick turnaround times, while still producing beautiful, sharp images. If you need a short run of catalogues, our digital press can produce them fast, and we can deliver them to you in a few days.
Binding options for catalogues
While many print companies send our their catalogues to be bound by 3rd parties, at Capital Colour we saddlestitch our booklets in-house. Without that extra step, we can shave off days on your production schedule, and get your books out to your customers faster.
When the page count for your book starts going over about 96 pages, we start looking at other binding options. We can perfect bind (like a paperback book), use plastic coil, or for fancier books, Wire-O binding.
Mailing services for catalogues
Many catalogues are mailed directly to customers. Instead of messing with labels and envelopes at your office, let us handle the mailing for you! We can prep the bundles of catalogues, print labels (or jet print them right onto the catalogues themselves) and get them sent off to Canada Post without you having to do all that extra time-consuming handling work.
Create a Catalogue that Sells with These Design Tips
The number one thing you need your catalogue to do is sell your products. Which means your catalogue needs to look better and communicate more than your competitor’s. From our 40 years of experience in the printing business, our most successful catalogue clients have followed these tips.
Get professional photos and images
The photos in your catalogue are the main way your product sells. A clear, well lit image communicates how your product will look and feel – and this applies to industrial products as well. Better looking products sell more volume. Also, even if you can get a good image from your manufacturer, take your own unique image to make it match the rest of your book.
Professional graphic design and product descriptions
Make sure those great photos look amazing by getting the catalogue professionally designed. This will ensure your book connects to your company brand, and everything looks consistent. Well written product descriptions can help explain product benefits that may not be obvious, and inject some excitement and personality into your catalogue.
Give room for your big sellers
Your catalogue should make an impact, so prioritize your products so the most engaging ones are given more space at the front, or on the cover, or with full page feature images.
Prominent calls to action
Once your customer finds the product they want, make it easy to complete the sale by directing them to your sales center, or e-commerce website. Provide QR codes or unique website URLs to help track catalogue driven sales.
We want to be your catalogue printer!
Get in touch with us and lets find the best catalogue solution for your product line.
Capital Colour Press
The most technologically advanced
catalogue printing company in Edmonton
Catalogue Printing Services
4904 89 St NW, Edmonton
25+ years experience printing catalogues
for Edmonton & area clients
We are committed to exceptional customer service
Overall rating of 30+ Google reviews
4.9 out of 5 STARS
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